The Ultimate Guide to Ovulation

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Tuning into your bodies’ monthly cycle can help you take control of your health and greatly improve your odds of conception.  Ovulation occurs monthly when the ovaries release a mature egg to be fertilized by a sperm. Estrogen levels rise rapidly just before ovulation, and eventually, the body will reach an estrogen threshold. There will be an abrupt surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) triggered by high levels of estrogen. A sudden large increase of LH causes the egg to pass through the ovarian wall into the fallopian tubes, where it can be met by a sperm and fertilized. In the standard 28 day cycle, ovulation typically occurs on day 14. However, ovulation can occur anywhere from day 8 to day 21 (or later) depending on numerous factors including stress levels (excessive stress can cause a delayed ovulation time) or illness. This time of the month is when women generally have the most energy and will want to spend more time socializing and going out. Ovulation is also the time when women tend to feel the most sexual, sensual and aroused. It makes sense to have more energy around the time that we’re fertile because we want to be in the mood to socialize, choose a mate, and conceive.

How to tell if you are ovulating

Charting and tracking your cycle and cervical mucus throughout the month can give you a better idea of which day of the month you ovulate. It is important to remember that every woman's cycle is unique. We all have different follicular phases, luteal phases, and menses lengths. This is why app based tracking may provide you with false estimates. Therefore you may want to use a second barrier method if using apps and having unprotected sex. One of the natural methods to tell if you are ovulating is monitoring your cervical fluid. 

What is Cervical Mucus (Cervical Fluid)?

Cervical mucous/fluid is fluid secreted by your cervix and is controlled by hormones. The main role of this discharge is to help sperm reach the egg to begin fertilization and prevent unwanted things from going inside the cervix. Mucus changes in color, texture, and amount throughout your menstrual cycle. These changes will give you an idea of what stage of your cycle you are in and most importantly, the onset of ovulation. 

Cervical Discharge Cycle


  • Menstruation -  (blood flow covers mucous, won’t be able to detect)

  • Dry to sticky -  (not fertile, “safe” days if pregnancy is not on the agenda)

  • Creamy like lotion - (egg is beginning to ripen, “safe” day)

  • Wet and watery - (fertile - time for pregnancy)An increase in cervical fluid raises the pH level for an optimal environment for the sperm and to help the sperm make its journey up the fallopian tubes in search of the egg

  • Raw (clear) egg white consistency - (most fertile - the best time for pregnancy)

  • Back to dry and sticky -  (the cycle is beginning again, not fertile) After ovulation, estrogen plummets, which causes the cervical fluid to become dry. 

*Note that even if your cycle does not match the one above, your mucus must have a (clear) egg white consistency to signal ovulation.

*Also note that vaginal discharge that’s white, thick, clumpy, and odorless often indicates a yeast infection.

If you are not ovulating 

A lack of ovulation, or anovulation, is often a sign that there is an imbalance in your body. An anovulatory cycle has a long follicular phase, and no luteal phase and eventually, a breakthrough bleed. There is often no or very low progesterone, as progesterone production is stimulated by the release of an egg. When ovulation does not occur, there is no mature egg; meaning pregnancy cannot occur during that specific cycle. This can also be described as estrogen dominance, estrogen and progesterone imbalance, or ovulatory dysfunction.

Many influences can disrupt a healthy hormonal balance, including stress, infections and illness, poor diet, extreme shifts in weight (increasing or decreasing), excessive exercise routines, pcos, insulin resistance, low-carb diets, excessive intake of phytoestrogens, estrogen dominance, breastfeeding, fertility issues, pituitary or thyroid problems, recently coming off BCP or having an IUD removed, and traveling.

*Always consult with a holistic practitioner before using any herbs or supplements. If you are dealing with a severe or ongoing hormonal imbalance, it is best to seek support.

Ovulation-Supporting Herbs

Ashwagandha By regulating your body’s response to psychological and physical stress, Ashwagandha supports the overall health of your reproductive system. Ashwagandha manages cortisol, the hormone that can dampen sexual health and libido and reduce progesterone levels. It also works by improving the function of the thyroid gland, which directly affects the balance of all reproductive hormones. 

Rhodiola - This adaptogenic herb inhibits the breakdown of serotonin, promoting wellness and stamina. It also helps to restore ovulation in women with amenorrhea due to its stress management and hormonal balancing effects.

Vitex (Chaste Tree Berry) - Vitex normalizes the hormonal feedback loop, which balances the hormones that regulate the entire menstrual cycle, including ovulation. It specifically supports the production of luteinizing hormone (LH), which is the hormone responsible for ovulation. 

Maca-  Provides vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that are nourishing to the endocrine system, the system that coordinates the communication and delivery of our hormones. Supporting the endocrine system promotes hormone balance and a healthy menstrual cycle. 

Shatavari -  This herb regulates estrogen in the body, which contributes to overall menstrual cycle regulation. Shatavari also supports healthy cervical mucus production.

Ovulation-Supportive Supplements

Vitamin B6 - B6 Lengthens a short luteal phase which is beneficial because a luteal phase shorter than 10 days results in a luteal phase defect. It also lowers prolactin levels, which if too high can stop ovulation completely. This vitamin also supports your liver's detoxification of estrogen, which helps balance hormones needed for ovulation. Additionally, vitamin B6 improves dopamine and serotonin production, “happy” hormones, that can improve PMS symptoms. The B-vitamins work synergistically in the body, which is why it is best to supplement vitamin B6 with a vitamin B-complex.

Vitamin B-Complex-  Made up of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12, this complex assists with menorrhagia, abnormal bleeding, fibrocystic breasts, endometriosis, and menstrual cramps. Foods that contain potent amounts of these vitamins include leafy greens, beef liver, tuna, salmon, chicken, chickpeas, and potatoes.

Selenium- Ovarian tissue is the most sensitive tissue to aging in the entire human body, causing the number and quality of follicles it houses to be reduced. Selenium is one of the most powerful antioxidants, which provides protection against free radical damage and inflammation that damages tissues. Additionally, selenium also protects the thyroid from toxic heavy metals, as well as aids in the conversion of T4 to T3, the active form of thyroid hormone. A healthy thyroid is required to have a healthy period and healthy ovarian follicles. To pack selenium into your diet, the food with the highest amount of selenium is Brazil nuts.

Ovulation-Supporting Lifestyle Changes

  • Meditating for stress (increased cortisol disturbs the balance of sex hormones, and can lead to anovulation)

  • Protein with every meal 

  • Healthy fats with every meal 

  • Including Plenty of dietary fiber 

  • A balanced intake of unrefined carbohydrates 

  • Limit strength training to 4 days a week with lots of yoga/stretching

  • Drink lots of water and herbal tea (cervical mucus is made up of 90% water)


Nature connection, connecting with the moon, stress reduction, deep sleep, womb massage, balanced and consistent nourishment, plenty of rest, gentle exercise, blood sugar regulation, excess estrogen clearance all support healthy ovulation. The inclusion of natural progesterone or estrogen treatment may be helpful, though it’s best to work directly with a holistic practitioner to see what works best for you & your body. 

Antoine E, Chirila S, Teodorescu C. A Patented Blend Consisting of a Combination of Vitex agnus-castus Extract, Lepidium meyenii (Maca) Extract and Active Folate, a Nutritional Supplement for Improving Fertility in Women. Maedica (Buchar). 2019;14(3):274-279. doi:10.26574/maedica.2019.14.3.274

Kim K, Mills JL, Michels KA, et al. Dietary Intakes of Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B-6, and Vitamin B-12 and Ovarian Cycle Function among Premenopausal Women. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2020;120(5):885-892. doi:10.1016/j.jand.2019.10.013