Remedies for Hot Flashes


Hot flashes are a common indication of the hormonal changes associated with menopause and perimenopause. These changes in hormones cause a temporary spike in body temperature, which can translate into feelings of heat rising up through the body and into the face as well as intense discomfort, redness in the face and excessive perspiration. Hot flashes can occur at any time of the day or night and are a major pain for many women. 

To better understand hot flashes, let's touch on the changes that occur during menopause and perimenopause, and the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Perimenopause is the period when a woman’s body is preparing for menopause. Hormone production begins to slow down, which can cause various symptoms such as anxiety, dry skin, fatigue, feelings of bloating, insomnia, irritability, decreased interest in sex, loss of concentration, mood swings, night sweats, reduced stamina, urinary incompetence, vaginal dryness and itching, weight gain, cold hands and feet, joint pain, hair loss, and skin changes.

Menopause marks the end of menstruation, ovulation and fertility. Women will no longer have their monthly period and by this stage, most of the acute problems or symptoms experienced during perimenopause will end and a new balance of hormones will become established. 

Estrogen is a main female sex hormone and is primarily found in the ovaries. Estrogen is essential for reproduction and various systems in the body such as keeping skin smooth and hydrated, regulating the internal body temperature, and maintaining proper bone formation.

Estrogen levels drop dramatically after menopause, when organs of the endocrine glands take over the production of a less potent form of estrogen. 

Progesterone is also a main female sex hormone that works as a counterpart to estrogen, rising and falling throughout the cycle to stimulate uterine lining growth and breakdown. Progesterone too has effects outside of the reproductive system, such as calming the brain and calming the nervous system.

For many women, the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause have a major impact on their personal and social lives, which can be difficult to handle. While it is well known that these symptoms are going to hit hard, many women do not know that this does not have to be the fate for everyone. With proper diet, supplementation and lifestyle interventions, most of these unpleasant side effects can actually be reduced and even eliminated all together. This is especially the case with hot flashes, which cause women significant discomfort.

Nourishment for hot flashes

Supporting the body with the foods it needs while eliminating the foods it does not need can greatly reduce the occurrence and severity of hot flashes. Focus on a plant-based whole foods diet.



    • PLENTY of water each day- aim for 1/2 your body weight in oz of water per day

    • Seaweed: it is supportive of the thyroid, which is responsible for regulating body temperature and metabolism.

    • Foods rich in phytoestrogens: such as non-GMO soybean products like tempeh, flax seeds (1- 2 tbsp/day, freshly ground), whole grains, nuts, apples, fennel, parsley, celery, red clover and alfalfa (these can limit hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause).

    • Fresh fruits and vegetables: with approximately 50 percent being raw (especially if you live in a warmer climate). 

    • High-quality proteins: such as wild-caught fish (salmon, sardines, white fish), pasture raised chicken and eggs, and legumes. 

    • High-quality fats: such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, avocado, and avocado oil.


    • Dairy and other animal products; (other than those previously mentioned) both dairy and meat promote hot flashes.

    • Excessive intake of processed foods

    • Limit/avoid alcohol - especially if you’re highly symptomatic

Supportive Supplements & Herbs

Diet is number one for addressing hot flashes and symptoms of menopause, however there are various natural supplements and herbs that can be very helpful. Always work with a practitioner to be sure which supplements and herbs are suitable and safe for you (although natural products are great and generally safe for everyone, there are sometimes contraindications which can cause further complications if you are not careful).


    • Essential fatty acids (EFAs): EFAs are good for hot flashes and are important for the production of estrogen. Good sources include evening primrose oil and black currant seed oil.

    • Vitamin C plus bioflavonoids: An antioxidant helpful for reducing hot flashes.

    • Lecithin granules or capsules: Important as an emulsifier for vitamin E, which reduces hot flashes and related symptoms.

    • Vitamin E: Reduces hot flashes and many other menopausal symptoms. Use an emulsion form for easier assimilation, or use d-alpha tocopherol form.

    • Quercetin: An antioxidant flavonoid that may help with hot flashes.


    • Gotu kola, black cohosh, red clover, and dong quai: Helpful for relieving hot flashes, as well as vaginal dryness

    • Anise, black cohosh, fennel, licorice, red raspberry, sage, unicorn root, and wild yam: Natural estrogen promoters. 

    • Lemon balm: Cools hot flashes, calming, and lifts mood.

    • Motherwort: Relaxing, calming and cools hot flashes.

    • Black cohosh, sage leaf, hops and rhubarb extract: Cools hot flashes.

    • Maca: Helps with balancing hormones, which helps to improve sleep, mood, energy and provide relief for hot flashes.

Lifestyle Support

This natural transition in a woman’s life is not always a pleasant experience, however, with proper care and nurturing, it can be a process of beauty, wisdom, and personal growth.Following are some lifestyle tips for moving through menopause gracefully and reducing the incidence of hot flashes.

Avoid excessive stress: Although no one can avoid stress completely, it is important to do your best to manage and reduce stress as much as you can. This could mean taking 1 hour a day to do something for yourself, saying “no” more to things that don’t make you feel good or things that no longer enhance your life, asking for help when you need it, going to bed earlier for a better sleep, or focusing on your breath in moments of stress. 

Get regular moderate exercise: Keeping active is an important component to overall health as well as reducing hot flashes. Moderate exercise helps to increase blood flow, keep organs healthy, and regulate hormone production.

Journal: Keeping a journal can help get you through times of change and distress, as well as making connections to possible triggers for your hot flashes. Try to journal every day as an emotional outlet as well as keeping track of when you experience hot flashes and any possible causes or connections to them.