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Menopause is a natural transition every woman will go through in her life. Many women dread this phase of life, but the journey does not have to be uncomfortable and miserable. During menopause, women generally experience hormonal shifts that come and go or occur daily. Simple shifts can be integrated which support this process, making it an easy transition with few to no symptoms. 

There are many herbs and supplements that are highly effective in treating symptoms of menopause. 

*Consult with a holistic practitioner prior to taking or combining herbs & supplements


Rhodiola: An adaptogenic herb with estrogen-mimicking qualities. It can help reduce symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and mood changes and increase sex drive. 

Try: Supplementing with rhodiola or taking it as a tincture.


Shatavari: This root is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine and acts on the female reproductive system. It contains phytoestrogenic properties and can be helpful in treating hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

Try: Supplementing with shatavari in capsule form.


Black cohosh: Helpful for the relief of hot flashes and other menopause symptoms as it contains phytoestrogens and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Try: Taking a daily a black cohosh supplement. 


Ashwagandha: An adaptogenic herb that is excellent for helping the body adapt to stress, reducing anxiety and promoting restfulness. 

Try: Taking a daily supplement or tincture to support a graceful transition through hormonal changes. 


Red raspberry leaf: Contains B vitamins and plenty of antioxidants, which are helpful in combating stress in the body. Its soothing properties can also help to reduce inflammation and support adequate adrenal function. 

Try: Drinking a soothing cup of red raspberry leaf tea. 


Red clover: A nutritive herb that contains phytoestrogens and acts on the female reproductive system. It can be effective in treating and preventing symptoms of menopause. 

Try: Brewing a relaxing red clover tea or infusion. Drink regularly for support.


Chaste tree berry (aka vitex): Another herb that is excellent for women’s conditions. It acts to reduce symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, mood swings and migraines.

Try: Taking a vitex in capsule form.


Motherwort: Has traditionally been used to relieve hot flashes, anxiety, nervousness, sleep problems and vaginal dryness and to increase sex drive. 

Maca: Maca is an ancient South American root that has been used for millennia to promote vigor and vitality. It can reduce menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, improve energy levels, decrease restlessness and restore a healthy libido. 

Try: Start with 1 tsp daily in a smoothie, and work up to 3-6 tsp daily. Continue for 3-6 months and take a 1-2 week-long break before resuming.


Evening primrose oil: Has long been used for many women's health conditions including PMS, endometriosis and breast pain. It may help to reduce menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats and also provides the body with healthy fatty acids. 

Try: Taking an evening primrose oil supplement and following the indications. 



Wild yam natural progesterone cream: A form of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), wild yams contain a phytoestrogen called diosgenin which can be converted to progesterone through chemical processes. This cream is applied to the skin, where the body readily absorbs the progesterone, countering the effects of menopause and hormonal changes. It may be a safer alternative for those who wish to avoid synthetic hormone replacement therapy. 

Try: Taking a high-quality natural progesterone cream found at your local natural health store. Follow the product indications. 


Magnesium: Magnesium is a counterpart to calcium. While calcium helps contract our muscles, magnesium helps relax them. It can be useful in menopause not only in helping with bone development, but also in promoting restful sleep, reducing hot flashes, calming the nervous system and supporting heart health.

Try - up to 400mg per day


Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential in the absorption of calcium, and most North Americans are deficient in it. Vitamin D is also an essential antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage. 

Try: Taking 500-1,00 IU of vitamin D drops daily. Always check your levels as you can overdose. It’s best to test - not guess.


Flaxseed oil: Flax seeds are a great source of phytoestrogens (which mimic estrogen in the body), are soothing to the digestive system, and are high in omega 3 essential fatty acids. Fats are the building blocks of hormones in the body. Fatty acids also help to improve skin quality, bringing moisture to the skin and soothing inflammation.

Try: Supplementing with 1-2 tbsp of flaxseed oil daily.  


Probiotics: Probiotics help to support the beneficial bacteria of the gut and vagina.

Try: Taking a daily probiotic supplement of 10-20 billion CFUs.


Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that is good for the skin and can help reduce hot flashes.

Try: Taking a supplement of 200 IU daily in the tocopherol form.


Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that’s good for heart health and can reduce hot flashes.

Try: Taking 3,000mg daily, working your way up to 10,000 mg daily (caution of bowel tolerance). 

Fish oil: A source of essential fatty acids, which are necessary building blocks for hormones. Fatty acids also help to improve skin quality, bringing moisture to the skin and soothing inflammation. 

Try: Supplementing with at least 1,200 mg of EPA and DHA daily.