Foods For Clear Skin


Our skin is the reflection of our internal state of health. We often get caught up in treating the external, though recurrent breakouts and skin issues are almost always an invitation from the body to address the inner factors that are at the root of imbalance. Proper hydration, balanced nourishment, plenty of sleep, and herbal remedies help to bring the body back into harmony, resulting in glowing, radiant, and clear skin.

The following additions to your daily routine will nourish your skin and help heal acne from the inside out. If you’re dealing with ongoing digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, auto-immunity or detoxification issues, it’s best to work directly with a holistic practitioner for support. 

Daily Nourishment 

Eating a clean, well-balanced, whole-foods diet is essential when it comes to skin health. This includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, raw nuts & seeds, healthy fats like avocado & olive oil, legumes, whole grains like quinoa & brown rice, and wild caught fish. Regular meals, eaten at regular meal times that contain plenty of protein, fiber, and healthy fats will keep your blood sugar, hormones, mood, and energy levels regulated all day long. Stick with the freshest options available and give your body the much-needed love it deserves. 

Drink plenty of water - Water hydrates the skin and aids in proper digestion and elimination. Aim to drink ½ your body weight in oz. per day. 

Include High fiber foods - These help to keep digestion regular by bulking stool and clearing excess estrogen from the body. Fiber also helps to regulate blood sugar, which is another key factor for clear skin. Try: adding some a variety of soluble and insoluble fiber to every meal. 

Include: pears, apples, raspberries, blueberries, kiwis, bananas, avocados, dark leafy greens, broccoli, ground flax seed, psyllium husk, oats, quinoa, brown rice, legumes, lentils,  almonds, and chia seeds.

Increase Vitamin A-rich foods - These have powerful antioxidant properties that lower inflammation, reduce & heal acne and keep the skin glowing and radiant.

Include: Collard greens, kale, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrots, swiss chard, romaine lettuce, papaya, nectarines, and apricots. 

Essential Fatty Acids- Healthy fats have healing & anti-inflammatory properties. They also play an important role in creating, transporting and regulating healthy hormones, helping to balance excess sebum, which is a main culprit of acne. Look for foods rich in Omega 3.

Include: Olive oil, wild caught fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel), chia seeds, avocados, walnuts, and ground flaxseed & flaxseed oil.

Increase Foods rich in Vitamin E-  These strengthen, moisturize, and reduce inflammation while healing skin from the inside out.

Include: Sunflower seeds, avocados & avocado oil, almonds, spinach, mangoes, kiwi and broccoli.  

Increase Foods rich in Zinc - These reduce inflammation and help to eliminate acne-causing bacteria. 

Include: organic pasture-raised chicken, organic eggs, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, lentils, cashews, quinoa, and garbanzo beans. * You can also break up a zinc tablet, mix it with a small amount of water & apply it directly to acne.

Probiotic-rich foods - Help to support healthy gut microflora, which is essentially healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. Promoting healthy gut flora will improve acne and overall body health while keeping harmful bacteria at bay. 

Try: coconut water kefir, kimchi, miso, and organic tempeh. 

Foods to Avoid

Inflammatory foods should be eliminated from the diet, as they contribute most heavily to digestive issues, liver congestion,  and hormonal imbalance which all tend to be the underlying causes of acne. 

Decrease/limit or eliminate the following: 

  • Processed foods (fast-food, soda, fried food, and boxed foods with preservatives & food dyes)

  • Sugar & Artificial sweeteners 

  • Dairy

  • Conventionally-farmed meats

  • Wheat (due to its high gluten content)

  • Excessive Caffeine

  • Alcohol/Tobacco

  • Unnecessary prescription medications & otc’s like Advil & Tylenol

Supportive Herbs

Dandelion Root or Burdock Root tea - Both powerful blood and liver cleansers that can improve the quality of skin by enhancing digestive function and supporting elimination. 

Try: as an infusion or tea daily until acne is eliminated. Both are especially helpful 1-week prior to menstruation to help clear excess hormones. 

Milk Thistle - Supports liver cleansing and restoration & aids the liver in cleansing the blood.

Try: as a tincture 1-3x per day for up to 1 month.

Holy Basil - Regulates blood sugar and hormones that are closely connected with acne. 

Try: as a daily tea or by applying the tea (cooled) directly on the skin as a toner/gentle cleanser. 

If your skin issues are long-standing or ongoing, it’s best to work directly with a holistic practitioner to find the root cause & create a protocol specific to your needs.